Friday, February 24, 2012

Farewell Thabang 'Banda' Lebes

RIP Thabang Lebese

Wow I cant believe my hero has passed on. I remember him when he was playing for Chiefs with Thabo Mooki. I once had a huge crush on them, they were a good pair on the field. Then he left.. I was heart broken but I moved on.   After he left Orlando Pirates I did not hear anything of him, up until a few months ago, when he was in hospital, sick and broke.

Now, most of my  Facebook friends are blaming his former employers for not giving him financial support while he was in hospital. FB friends I do not agree with you.

Soccer is a short term career in terms of being a professional player, he should of:

  • Saved his money and spent it wisely, 
  • to ensure the security and welfare of his close and loved ones..


  • Spend his money on fancy BMW's 
  • Ladies
  • and friends...(who disappear when times get tough- that kind)..

I think South African football players and musicians must start taking responsibility of their finances.  We are tired of hearing that they are broke, when they fall ill or worse, when they die...

This should be a lesson to all of them.

Go well Banda.

Feel free to disagree and comment below, your feedback is appreciated. "asikhulume"

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Friday, February 17, 2012

Soup Kitchen

For the past 3-4 weeks I've had the honour  of working at a soup kitchen. Sacrificing my Saturday sleep ins and waking up at 6am has been well worth it. The experience has taught me to appreciate the basic needs of life like, food, water ,shelter & access to sanitation.  

If I am really honest I took those basic needs for granted. I think most of us do.. Regardless of whether you are rich or living below the poverty line, we are all equal in Gods eye's.  

Give respect to all humans, rich or poor... and remember to use your time productively. I challenge the youth to do so. If I can, so can you and I promise you will be blessed and rewarded by God.

Check out the pictures below. 

The kitchen feeds up to 200 people every Saturday

One cup of soup and two pieces of bread

The calm before the storm

This was one of our not so busy days

The soup is really delicious and made with love

There are plenty of colourful characters at the soup kitchen

Cleo- My Fellow Soup Kitchen Helper

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dirty Loops makes original sound boring

I'm really enjoying 'Dirty Loops' at the moment, this band is on fire! Their style, flair and jazzy foundation brings a fresh breath of air onto the music scene. They take boring originals and breath life into them!

Dirty Loops

                                                                                         Click & Enjoy

The funky band consists of a 6 String Bass guitarist, Vocalist with an insane range also keys and a drummer with the sensitivity of a  brand new mother.. Each musician brings something special to the table and together, they create the perfect harmony..

You can catch  Jonah, Henrik & Aaron on their Official website or  blog

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Monday, February 6, 2012

Words of a poor wealthy man.

Here are some words from a man who lives by a faith that is supreme,
I asked this man, how does he get by from day to day with his tough circumstances, living in pure poverty and not knowing where the next meal is going to come from he replied,

“You know, people can judge me, people can ridicule me, people can rob me of the little I have, but nobody can take away my faith for God.. This faith is more than enough for today and for tomorrow”

I was left in awe. I had met a man poor of material possessions but infinitely wealthy in wisdom.

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Brain drained…

Homer watches too much T.V
I like to think of the human brain as a muscle. 

The analogy serves its purpose in my points I’d like to make. 
Simplistically, if you exercise a muscle, it will become stronger. Running daily would strengthen ones calf muscles for example. Naturally the opposite is true, if you don’t go for a run frequently, your calf muscles would weaken.

 Exercise can thus be deemed productive for muscles. So, going back to my analogy of the brain, society today, are exercising their brains less and less..

Watching T.V. seems to be the highest contributing factor in this respect, reality programming which has no stimulating value to the brain encourages ones brain to become lethargic.

 Even though I am generalizing I believe that most people would rather sit and watch a program that is entertaining than exercise their brain. Reading for self- enlightenment and knowledge seems to be non-existent among the youth of today.

 The result is a weak brain, whereby Television Broadcasters control the thinking capacity of society. People have forgotten how to control their thoughts, whatever they watch they accept and enjoy.

 Television is not all bad though.. There are many exciting educational channels, the trick is to find a channel or program that stimulates thinking, problem solving and questioning the inevitable.

 Knowledge is Power, master your mind & master your thoughts..

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Exam Naps

Hello to all my readers!
Yes, indeed it has been a long time since I have last blogged. My humble apologies, I have chosen to write about something which I have been fascinated by, Power Napping.

As boring as it may sound, power napping has proven to be quite successful and I can vouch for it as a trialed and tested testimony. With exams lingering in the air, I haven’t managed to get much sleep or as much as I regularly do. This has resulted in me being really tired and lacking productivity as a further result. So after realizing this was an epic problem, I decided to do some research and thus came across power napping.
Power napping often has a negative perception about it. It is often assumed that it will not work for people so they chose to ignore the great potentials which it

So how does it work you ask?

Well, Power napping is a short nap, of 20-30 minutes. It is imperative that one does not sleep beyond that else disaster could be guaranteed. To ensure this I highly recommend that you get someone to wake you up or set an alarm that will.

•At first you will find it difficult to wake up and might even feel drowsy for the first 5 minutes however, a good shower or rinse of the face can change this phase faster. You will be amazed by the results at how fresh you feel as well as your mind.

•Some things to remember when trying this out..

•You may not fall asleep like when you are deep sleeping, it takes practice to eventually fall asleep. This however does not matter, keep your eyes closed and try to encourage deep breathing.

•Try power napping in a bed and make the room as dark as possible, else wear a blindfold to simulate the darkness.
•Avoid caffeine. It will keep you up.

I highly recommend this to the youth studying during exams; it will help and will result in productivity. As the cliché adverts would say, “Go on try it, if it worked for me, it will work for you”.

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Human Rights Day

Today marks an important day in the history of South Africa.

On your desk calendar at work or in your diary it probably says "Human Rights Day". What does this actually mean and what actually happened on this day? Well today , Fifty years back, the oppressed people under the Apartheid regime decided to rise up against Government.

How you may ask? During Apartheid in South Africa non-white people who were living in and around towns and cities were permitted to carry a pass on them. This was a law and if one was caught without a "pass" one would be arrested or evicted out of the city.

So, people decided to go to the police stations with their pass and ask to be arrested. The ideology was that the prisons would be so full that the system would actually result in chaos. One Hundred and eighty people were injured in a protest at Sharpville-Gauteng and an estimate of sixty-seven people killed. Here are some of the rights these people were fighting for and are included in our "Bill of rights".
  • Equality (Section 9)
  • Human dignity (Section 10)
  • Freedom of expression (Section 16)
  • Assembly, demonstration, picket and petition (Section 17)
  • Freedom of association (Section 18) and
  • Freedom of movement and residence (Section 21).

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