Homer watches too much T.V |
I like to think of the human brain as a muscle.
The analogy serves its purpose in my points I’d like to make.
Simplistically, if you exercise a muscle, it will become stronger. Running daily would strengthen ones calf muscles for example. Naturally the opposite is true, if you don’t go for a run frequently, your calf muscles would weaken.
Exercise can thus be deemed productive for muscles. So, going back to my analogy of the brain, society today, are exercising their brains less and less..
Watching T.V. seems to be the highest contributing factor in this respect, reality programming which has no stimulating value to the brain encourages ones brain to become lethargic.
Even though I am generalizing I believe that most people would rather sit and watch a program that is entertaining than exercise their brain. Reading for self- enlightenment and knowledge seems to be non-existent among the youth of today.
The result is a weak brain, whereby Television Broadcasters control the thinking capacity of society. People have forgotten how to control their thoughts, whatever they watch they accept and enjoy.
Television is not all bad though.. There are many exciting educational channels, the trick is to find a channel or program that stimulates thinking, problem solving and questioning the inevitable.
Knowledge is Power, master your mind & master your thoughts..
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